I hereby certify that the information contained in the employment application I submit to Elegant Lawns is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that material omissions or falsification of this application in any detail may result in my disqualification from consideration for employment or for dismissal from employment.
I understand that certain positions may require me take and pass a medical examination and/or drug screen prior to my employment and periodically thereafter. In addition, i understand that certain positions may require a background check and/or driving record check prior to my employment and periodically there after.
I agree that Elegant Lawns and my previous employers, educational institutions, and all other individuals and organizations listed in this application will not be held liable in any respect if an employment offer is not made, is withdrawn, or if my employment is terminated because of misrepresentations or omission of requested information.
I understand that upon offer and acceptance of a position with Elegant Lawns I will be required to immediately furnish documentation establishing my identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the United States.
I understand that Elegant Lawns is in no way obligated to provide employment, and also that I am in no way obligated to accept employment, if offered. This application does not bind either party, and the statements contained herein do not constitute and should not be interpreted to constitute any sort of contract of employment for a specific period of time.